Thursday, December 3, 2009

Going to Court again for Modification of support! Ahhhh!!!!

So I got a letter yesterday for a court hearing my daughter's father requested. Last month he requested a hearing for modification of child support due to his twins being born and him getting less income. The request also stated he wanted visitation one weekend day. He never showed up to court and the judge dismissed the case. Now here we are six weeks later and he requests yet another hearing after the one he didn't show up not only requesting that the child support be modified, but that I reimburse him for $250 of medical bills, he requesting our daughter's social security number, overnight visitation and the ability to claim her on his taxes. Is he out of his mind!!!! He already has twins he can claim on his taxes and now he wants to take mine and leave me with nothing!!!! I hope to god that the judge sees right through him and dismisses it.

Here is someone who left me when I was pregnant when I refused to have an abortion, hide out in his native country of Costa Rica, not returning until two weeks before Isabella was born. In the past six years, he has only seen our daughter a few times each year, most which have been either me calling him or a family member of his calling for visitation. I know he is doing all this for the wrong reasons, he is so desperate to lower the child support that he'd do anything. Even not act in the best interest of our daughter. I am unemployed right now and am so blessed that my mother can help me with paying for a lawyer. I don't know what I would do without her. Honestly, yesterday afternoon I thought I was going to loose my mind!!!

But after a while I said to myelf I needed to calm down because losing myself won't help my situation. I have to believe with all my heart that the judge will see right through him like I do and know that he's doing it all for the wrong reasons. I am willing to work with him on visitation but wont' agree to overnights because I know Isabella won't want that. And besides he has no room in his house....his twins sleep in the same room as them! He parent's live there and are in the second bedroom! I feel that the judge will dismiss most of his requests. I want more then anything for our daughter to have a good relationship with her father but I've tried working out a visitation schedule with him and he never stuck to it.

My thing is, and I am sure most single mothers out there would agree. That if a father can't stick to a visitation schedule on a consistent basis, then don't bother being there at all! I don't want my daughter growing up and wondeing why her dad never showed up. It's not fair to her and to me cause then I'm stuck having to explain it to her. All this happened when she was a lot younger so I didn't have to explain much, she just didn't seem to notice. My family and I surround her with so much attention and love that his lack of presense never seemed to matter. It didn't help him that he never called or look for her. sometimes months would go by and he's never call.

And now all of a sudden, he has twins with his wife now and doens't want to pay as much child support and will lie and cheat to do it. He is a very bitter and resentful man with a lot of emotional problems and I hope that Karma comes back to bite him twice as hard at that hearing. I'm going to request sole primary legal and residential custody of our daughter with him having just visitation. Leaving the child support modification up to the court as they seem fit because I don't care much about his money. Its' not like I get it anyway. He hasn't paid in over 8 months! He owes so much in arrears!

The court hearing is in two weeks and this is not how I visiioned spending my holidays...worrying about all this. But I am a big believer in faith and that everything happens for a reason. This will be something I can grow and learn from as I plan on walking out of that court room with my head held high because I got what I wanted and the court saw right through him.

I do hope that this is the end of this battle for him and I. I want to move on with my life and put him behind me or us should I say. I feel so many good things are waiting for me and will become my reality soon and I don't want him to be any part of it. I know I am not alone...there are so many single mothers out there who are going through the same thing.

When my reality series takes off I plan on starting a support group for single mothers and a foundation that helps single mothers who are struggling.

Hopefully my next post regarding this hearing will be a good one...documenting my success and big win!!! :)
Wish me luck everyone!


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