So when my closet friend Heather called me up during the week asking if I wanted to take a trip with her to visit the Statute of Liberty it seemed like the perfect timing since just the night before my little Isabella confronted me and shared her feelings with me on how I've been spending too much time in front of the computer writing and too much time on conference calls and hardly any time with her. "Mommy all you do is type, type, type!!!! And you never spend time with me anymore...I miss you!!!" That was all I needed to hear to wake up and smell the coffee let me tell you. That little sweet voice, light brown eyes and those beautiful rosy cheeks was enough to make me melt in a puddle of guilt and disappointment in myself for getting caught up in the moment. To be honest I didn't realize my dedication to my book and reality series was taking time away from her. I write mostly at night when she's sleeping and during the day when she's at school but lately I have been spending alot of afternoons on conference meetings and getting in as much writing as I can, because I'm trying to finish my novel manuscript before the taping of the pilot starts.
I keep telling myself...this is temporary....this is temporary. I'm doing this for build a better future for us and my family. And in every single aspect that is so very true but as a parent, especially a single one, that quality time with your child is the upmost important especially during these years where they seem to grow up so fast. No I take that back.....they DO grow up so fast! Sometimes at night when I'm sitting on my bed typing away on my laptop (bad habit working in that I'm trying to break! lol) I watch as she sleeps and savor every moment as she breaths and smiles in her sleep and every flutter of her eyelashes catches my eye. It's moments like these that I wish could last forever and alot of times I find myself thinking back to when she was a baby and I used to do the same exact thing. I can't believe my little girl is six years old now and in just two months she'll be seven! Time goes by so fast....which is why its' so important that no matter how busy your life gets you always need to make time for your children no matter what. They need that time with you and even more need that time with them because those are moments you won't ever get back.
So as we headed down to New York City yesterday morning at 10:30am with Heather, her son Christain (my godson), Isabella and my sister Joarlynn in tow, I won't lie....those kids weren't the only ones who were filled with top notch excitment. :) We all were as excited as they were. Growing up my sister and I didn't have much day trips like this with our parents since both worked so hard. And to be honest I never thought my sister and I would be taking a day trip like this because we've always been at odds with each other growing up, always fighting and at each others throat. Neither of us had any respect for one another. But ever since she moved back home a few months ago from College, I've noticed how we've gotten a lot closer and become more open with one another, especially since we now have a lot of the same friends.
She confides in me certain things of her private life I never thought she'd share and my comfort level with her has increased and I to find myself trusting her more then most of my friends. Even though we still have our moments like I'm sure most siblings do, we growing closer the older we get and I hope that bond continues because she's my only sister and no matter where life takes us I want her to know she can come to me for anything she needs and I want to be able to do the same for her. We just need to work on having more respect for one another. But I think as time goes on we will...I have no doubt in my mind that we will.

Anyway, back to the NYC trip (you see what happens when I write? ha ha I get so caught up that I go off subject...geeezzz Jessica! ha ha) so we got into the city pretty quickly yesterday morning to my surprise. Traffic wasn't bad at all and this was the first time Isabella was in the city since she was three (she can't remember that trip so this was technically her first) and the look on her face when we arrived and she saw all the cars, buildings and people walking everywhere was fun to watch! :) We rode the Ferry to Ellis Island (Bella's first time on a Ferry) and walked around taking pictures with the kids by the Statute of Liberty & around Ellis Island.
Unfortunately the tickets to enter the Statute of Liberty were sold out that day so we couldn't go inside but at least the children got to see Ellis Island. It was my first time seeing there since my seventh grade class trip and that was a long, long, long time ago let me tell ya! lol My godson Christain was upset when we didn't get to go inside the Statute of Liberty because the tickets had sold out and next tour wasn't going to be until September! It was all he could talk about on the way there and the one thing he was looking forward to. I felt so bad....but made a promise we'd bring them back and make sure we purchase the tickets online beforehand to ensure we'd be able to go inside. Poor Christain....I know that feeling of wanting so bad and not getting it. But his sadness didn't last for long as we made our way into China town and shopped around. He knows that both Heather and I will keep our promise and bring them back in September. So Heather...lets not forget....come August we have to reserve the tickets!
After China Town we headed to a restaurant Heather has been bragging about "Sofrito". A puerto rican cusine upscale restaurant. I've been dying to go there for a while now and even though part of me didn't want to go because I didn't feel like I was dressed up enough to go into an upscale restuarant, I was up against two since my sister wanted to go too. But it was worth was great and at the end we were all happy. My daughter kept pointing at the bill boards at faces she knew saying..."Look mommy! One day you'll be on there!" ha ha I hope she's right..that would be nice.
We didn't get back home until almost 9pm that night and I rushed to give Bella her bath since it was past her bed time already. The moment her head hit her pillow she was out like a lightning bold that was how tired she was. There was no time for the regular bed time stories or television (I usually let her watch a bit of the Disney channel before she goes to bed after we read if its' early enough). In fact I didn't even get to say good night to my little princess....she was too tired for that! lol
So today ended being a good day spent in the greatest city in the world in my opinion. I had forgotten how great it was to be in the City. The feel and vibe of everything around you fills you with excitment on every type of level. I just hope that yesterday's trip to the City was just the first of many. Next time would be to take Isabella into Times Square and take her on a carriage ride around the City. I'll wait until after her seventh bday for that one!
So thank you to Heather for planning this eventful day and for not taking a no for an answer from me. That woman knows how to convince me into anything. Probably why she's one of my closet one really gets me the way she does. And thank you to my sister for joining us yesterday and hope its one of many bonding trips we take together!

More pictures of the Trip Yesterday Below:
For more pics checkout my album on Facebook!
Thank you for reading my blog! Stay tuned for next post!
Jessica F.
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