Jessica Fernandez-Creator/Writer/Producer & Cast Member
A 28-year old, New Jerseyan & single mom with the biggest heart and the kindest soul you'll ever see. Born and raised in the Garden State by parents of Puerto Rican descent, Jessica grew up with big goals and dreams of one day being powerful like Oprah and doing something big to change the world and make a difference.
She was just 20 years old, when she was forced to deal with an unexpected pregnancy all alone. Her boyfriend left after she refused to have an abortion. With the help of her family, she spent the nine months of her pregnancy preparing for her new life as a single mom, while maintain a full time student status at her college and working 30-40hrs a week. It was during that time that she made a self-conscious decision to take a break from men entirely, and focus solely on being a good mom, her studies, and building a much needed relationship with herself.
Her take charge, positive attitude and strong spiritual faith has been what’s gotten her through the hardest times in her life. Including the tragic loss of a close friend, she still grieves for today. She credits her little girl for being her biggest motivational source in finally helping her find the confidence to pursue her life-long dreams. Proud to label herself a “Soccer Mom”, she’s ecstatic that Isabella’s going to be playing her second season of soccer this upcoming fall. Isabella is also starting to show interest for the musical arts, and will be taking guitar lessons starting in September. She also claims to be determined to be the next "Hannah Montana".
Her "hopefully soon to be published" novel currently titled, "Three Angels Lost" is almost complete and considers Nicholas Sparks to be her greatest inspiration in pursuing her writing dreams. She constantly jokes on how she would one day love to be casted as a main character in one of his films. During her free time she enjoys writing, reading, listening & writing music, watching "Lifetime Movies", and working out at her local gym.
Although this single mom is actively working really hard towards her writing, entrepreneurship, and philanthropist dreams, nothing brings her greater pride and joy then just being a mom to her now 7-year old daughter Isabella. Jessica hopes that by sharing her story & letting the world follow her journey to success, that she can become living proof and inspiration that dreams can come true. That anything is possible even for a Latina single mom from the Garden State of New Jersey.
Michele Bloom
A 37-year old divorced, single mom from North Brunswick, NJ to two great boys Josh, 12 and Adam, 9 years old. For the past few years, Michele has been at the top of her game running her successful, traveling musical production company, “Better Than Broadway Productions, LLc. Using the performance arts as a medium for positive self-esteem building, Michele directs musical performances with thousands of children in over 30 elementary schools throughout the New Jersey Tri-state area. .
Now you know there’s something special about Michele when her booming business is run strictly by referrals from proud parents, administrators and teachers, with barely any paid marketing or advertising. Her schedule is booked out for the next two years.
The moment you cross paths with this bubbly, approachable, adventurous, outspoken, beautiful red head personality, you clearly see the reason why she’s been so successful in her own right. Even though her love and passion for musical theater, entertainment & affinity for educating and enlightening children has taken her far in life; nothing brings her greater joy then being a single mom. Typically, you'll find her and the boys spending a day cheering on the Mets at one of their games, or spending time renovating the house she purchased on her own right after her divorce was finalized. Michele describes her life as a single mom the hardest task she’s ever taken on, but also her biggest blessing in the world.
As Michele would best describe it, she’s happy with the current split custody arrangements with her ex-husband, because it provides her with the perfect balance most single parents don't find. Thus, allowing her the quality parenting time her boys need, and some "me" time during the week to freely date and go out with friends, without the guilt of enjoying that time without her sons. Thankfully, she feels her and her ex-husband are in a pretty good place right now, but does freely admit that they do butt heads from time to time, when it comes to parenting their two children. In the long run, they both work together though separate, and Michele is just grateful that he’s remained a consistent part of their lives.
She’s ecstatic about being granted the opportunity to show the world how both challenging & rewarding it can be to juggle a successful career, the trials and tribulations along with raising her two pre-teen kids as a single mom. She's really looking forward to starting another great new chapter in her life that would lead to even greater opportunities.

Now you know there’s something special about Michele when her booming business is run strictly by referrals from proud parents, administrators and teachers, with barely any paid marketing or advertising. Her schedule is booked out for the next two years.
The moment you cross paths with this bubbly, approachable, adventurous, outspoken, beautiful red head personality, you clearly see the reason why she’s been so successful in her own right. Even though her love and passion for musical theater, entertainment & affinity for educating and enlightening children has taken her far in life; nothing brings her greater joy then being a single mom. Typically, you'll find her and the boys spending a day cheering on the Mets at one of their games, or spending time renovating the house she purchased on her own right after her divorce was finalized. Michele describes her life as a single mom the hardest task she’s ever taken on, but also her biggest blessing in the world.
As Michele would best describe it, she’s happy with the current split custody arrangements with her ex-husband, because it provides her with the perfect balance most single parents don't find. Thus, allowing her the quality parenting time her boys need, and some "me" time during the week to freely date and go out with friends, without the guilt of enjoying that time without her sons. Thankfully, she feels her and her ex-husband are in a pretty good place right now, but does freely admit that they do butt heads from time to time, when it comes to parenting their two children. In the long run, they both work together though separate, and Michele is just grateful that he’s remained a consistent part of their lives.
She’s ecstatic about being granted the opportunity to show the world how both challenging & rewarding it can be to juggle a successful career, the trials and tribulations along with raising her two pre-teen kids as a single mom. She's really looking forward to starting another great new chapter in her life that would lead to even greater opportunities.
Tennille Flowers:
A 33-year old, strong willed single mom to 10-year old Bryahna from Hillside, NJ, who currently resides in South Plainfield, NJ. Tennille is a successful businesswoman and so much more. She is living proof that a mother’s undying love for her child is all the motivation & strength she would need to survive, whatever challenges life throws their way.
For the past few years, Tennille has been living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and when first diagnosed was told her life would change dramatically. Being unaware or uneducated about the chronic illness she went into a short stretch of depression. She began relying on her strong spiritual faith and positive attitude, while seeking the necessary treatments to get through the toughest times. It has now been over seven years since her diagnosis, and Tennille has learned to believe that she is a conqueror and that nothing is going to stop her from doing the things she wants to do in life--not event MS. Refusing to let it get in the way of her most important role in life—to be a loving mom.
Tennille currently works full time for L'Oreal USA , as a Regulatory Associate, and a REO agent part time selling mostly foreclosed properties throughout the Northern & Central, NJ Tri-.state area. Tennille also started and runs a successful MS support group chapter in her area that meets on a monthly basis, which is sponsored by both the MS Society and MS Foundation. When she's not leading one of the meetings, or showing a house, she's taking her daughter, an aspiring actress to theater lessons. Briana's father has remained a consistent part of her life, and visits with her regularly.
For the past year, Tennille’s been casually dating a NYC cop , and is very open to giving “love” another try. She freely admits that the hardest part about her life as a single mom living with MS is her occasional lack of confidence, and sometimes having to deal with people's insensitivities. People have asked why she's using handicap parking spots, or riding in a motorized vehicle, or even being treated or never spoken to again by someone you are dating once they find out that MS is a serious condition that can't be overlooked. The world can indeed be quite rude sometimes with the stares, whispers and preconceptions.
Lately, Tennille’s been exploring a more holistic approach to treat her MS by following a raw food diet, doing weekly yoga sessions and researching the benefits of natural herbal supplements. During her free time she enjoys dining with friends and spending quality time with her daughter watching movies and trying new raw recipes.
For the past few years, Tennille has been living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and when first diagnosed was told her life would change dramatically. Being unaware or uneducated about the chronic illness she went into a short stretch of depression. She began relying on her strong spiritual faith and positive attitude, while seeking the necessary treatments to get through the toughest times. It has now been over seven years since her diagnosis, and Tennille has learned to believe that she is a conqueror and that nothing is going to stop her from doing the things she wants to do in life--not event MS. Refusing to let it get in the way of her most important role in life—to be a loving mom.
Tennille currently works full time for L'Oreal USA , as a Regulatory Associate, and a REO agent part time selling mostly foreclosed properties throughout the Northern & Central, NJ Tri-.state area. Tennille also started and runs a successful MS support group chapter in her area that meets on a monthly basis, which is sponsored by both the MS Society and MS Foundation. When she's not leading one of the meetings, or showing a house, she's taking her daughter, an aspiring actress to theater lessons. Briana's father has remained a consistent part of her life, and visits with her regularly.
For the past year, Tennille’s been casually dating a NYC cop , and is very open to giving “love” another try. She freely admits that the hardest part about her life as a single mom living with MS is her occasional lack of confidence, and sometimes having to deal with people's insensitivities. People have asked why she's using handicap parking spots, or riding in a motorized vehicle, or even being treated or never spoken to again by someone you are dating once they find out that MS is a serious condition that can't be overlooked. The world can indeed be quite rude sometimes with the stares, whispers and preconceptions.
Lately, Tennille’s been exploring a more holistic approach to treat her MS by following a raw food diet, doing weekly yoga sessions and researching the benefits of natural herbal supplements. During her free time she enjoys dining with friends and spending quality time with her daughter watching movies and trying new raw recipes.
Cassie Bellefield:
A 21-year old single mom from Somerset, NJ to her 2 ½ year old little girl, Giovanna. After trying to make it work with her daughters’ father, and living together for six months, Cassie realized that she’d be better off -raising Giovanna on her own. With little communication with her daughters’ father now, both at least have been able to remain respectfully cordial for the sake of their daughter.
She lives alone with her daughter in the same apartment complex that her mother lives in, who helps out with Giovanna while Cassie works and goes to school. The past year has been really tough for Cassie, especially now that she was forced to take on a third job at her daughter’s daycare, to work off the tuition balance she can’t afford to pay on her own. With little financial support from her daughter’s father due to his current unemployment status, she’s forced to work 60-70 hours a week.
Despite the hardships and challenges that Cassie has faced, she still considers herself to be very confident and comfortable with where she is in her life today. She believes that everything happens for a reason, and that somehow all the difficulties in her life will eventually work itself out. When stress starts to get the best of her, she just jumps on her motorcycle and goes for a ride.
Becoming a single mom at such a young age has made her stronger and wiser. But she freely admits; it still hasn’t changed that part of her that likes to break away from all the daily responsibilities and madness in her daily life and just be “21”—even if it was just for a few hours. When her schedule allows she still likes to go out with her friends, party and have fun. Although, she admits she actively dates, she does it with extreme caution.
Her best moments are the ones she spends with her daughter, Giovanna. They both enjoy spending the day at the community pool in the summer and taking trips to the park. Cassie describes her precious little girl to be a fashionista at heart, and already showing a weakness for shoes.
As one of her long-term goals, she hopes one day she’ll be able to do humanitarian work in poverty stricken countries, and establish a successful nursing career.
Production Team:

She lives alone with her daughter in the same apartment complex that her mother lives in, who helps out with Giovanna while Cassie works and goes to school. The past year has been really tough for Cassie, especially now that she was forced to take on a third job at her daughter’s daycare, to work off the tuition balance she can’t afford to pay on her own. With little financial support from her daughter’s father due to his current unemployment status, she’s forced to work 60-70 hours a week.
Despite the hardships and challenges that Cassie has faced, she still considers herself to be very confident and comfortable with where she is in her life today. She believes that everything happens for a reason, and that somehow all the difficulties in her life will eventually work itself out. When stress starts to get the best of her, she just jumps on her motorcycle and goes for a ride.
Becoming a single mom at such a young age has made her stronger and wiser. But she freely admits; it still hasn’t changed that part of her that likes to break away from all the daily responsibilities and madness in her daily life and just be “21”—even if it was just for a few hours. When her schedule allows she still likes to go out with her friends, party and have fun. Although, she admits she actively dates, she does it with extreme caution.
Her best moments are the ones she spends with her daughter, Giovanna. They both enjoy spending the day at the community pool in the summer and taking trips to the park. Cassie describes her precious little girl to be a fashionista at heart, and already showing a weakness for shoes.
As one of her long-term goals, she hopes one day she’ll be able to do humanitarian work in poverty stricken countries, and establish a successful nursing career.
Production Team:
Lisa Marie Latino- "Executive Producer":
At only 26-years-old, Lisa Marie Latino has had many successes in the media industry. Currently, she services as executive producer and CEO for Long Shot Productions, LLC.
Since Lisa Marie was a young girl growing up in New Jersey, all she wanted to do was to go on TV and talk about her beloved New York Giants and New York Yankees. She has dedicated her life towards achieving that goal. While in college, Lisa Marie interned (and later worked) at her dream job, WFAN 660 AM. She learned the tricks of the trade by working alongside New York’s best sports broadcasters. She also worked with WWOR MY9 TV.
After graduating Montclair State University in 2006, she started producing PBS programming through the Caucus Educational Corporation. She wore many hats during her three years there, working as a producer, editor, writer, marketer and on-air personality.
In September of 2009, Lisa Marie left Caucus to start her own media company, Long Shot Productions. Long Shot is a full service production company that specializes in show development, promotional video and digital PR. She also works on the web production team for the New York Giants.
In her spare time, she writes for her online sports blog, The Yankee Princess.
**Stay tuned for other crew member bios to be added shortly!
***We are also currently casting for a "SINGLE DAD" to complete our cast. If you are interested, or know of anyone who'd be perfect for this, please send them our info, or fill out our "Contact Form" on our website at
Thanks everyone!
Since Lisa Marie was a young girl growing up in New Jersey, all she wanted to do was to go on TV and talk about her beloved New York Giants and New York Yankees. She has dedicated her life towards achieving that goal. While in college, Lisa Marie interned (and later worked) at her dream job, WFAN 660 AM. She learned the tricks of the trade by working alongside New York’s best sports broadcasters. She also worked with WWOR MY9 TV.
After graduating Montclair State University in 2006, she started producing PBS programming through the Caucus Educational Corporation. She wore many hats during her three years there, working as a producer, editor, writer, marketer and on-air personality.
In September of 2009, Lisa Marie left Caucus to start her own media company, Long Shot Productions. Long Shot is a full service production company that specializes in show development, promotional video and digital PR. She also works on the web production team for the New York Giants.
In her spare time, she writes for her online sports blog, The Yankee Princess.
**Stay tuned for other crew member bios to be added shortly!
***We are also currently casting for a "SINGLE DAD" to complete our cast. If you are interested, or know of anyone who'd be perfect for this, please send them our info, or fill out our "Contact Form" on our website at
Thanks everyone!
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