It was expected that between 200-300 would be in attendance that day, and by the time I left right after 1pm, there was no doubt in my mind that the amount of attendees previously predicted would exceed far beyond their expectations. The moment the doors opened promptly at 10.a.m. it was amazing to see how many proud Toys R' Us moms & dads began rushing in with their blue carts and children in tow with excitement. It was a Friday where I figured not many would attend the early morning festivities due to work, but was really amazed at how many people seemed to have gone out of their way to attend the grand opening.
Michele Bloom, a "Single Parenthood: New Jersey" cast member attended the event with me alongside my sister Joarlynn who was in attendance representing "Fairy Tales Hair Care Products", which beginning August 1st, 2010, will be sold in most Toys R' Us stores worldwide! Below are a few pictures we took of the event for everyone to check out.
Joarlynn Fernandez, Fairy Tales Representative and Isabella Fernandez
Joarlynn Fernandez from Fairy Tales Hair Care.
Creator/Writer & Cast Member of the upcoming reality-show, "Single Parenthood: New Jersey and her 7-year old daughter Isabella.
It was an honor to be invited to participate in the event celebrating "Moms" and over 50 store grand-openings worldwide. Their "I Want To Be A Toys R' Us Mom" campaign will be going on well into the upcoming fall season. So if you missed this grand-opening or live in another state.....no worries! There's tons of other events coming up you can go to. Visit http://www.iwanttobeatoysrusmom.com/ to locate the next Grand Opening near you, and to get the printable "Secret Coupon" that you can bring with you to any grand opening event and receive a discount on a single item up to 50%! (check website for more add'l info in regulations that apply)
I got an amazing 40% off my purchase that day, which added even more excitement to my day since these days this single momma is on a tight budget! I've been developing my show for a year now and am so excited to finally see my hard work, undyng faith, determination, life-savings, moments of tears and frustration and many past sleepless nights finally pay off and be the end result of a perfect television project that I know in my heart, will be picked up by a major television network soon, and be the 1st reality-based television show that will document the lives of great single parents in the beautiful Garden State of New Jersey.
Believer in Miracles & Proud NJ Single Mom,
Jessica F.
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