Friday, August 6, 2010

Taping Begins for "Single Parenthood: NJ" Pilot! Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, August 6th marked the first day of shooting for the "Single Parenthood: NJ" Pilot. It was such an exciting day for me to finally see my show concept come to life, after a year of working day and night to make my dream a reality. It was fun watching Lisa, the producer in action and being involved in every aspect of the development process from start to finish.

I know once the show series gets picked up by a television network, that I won't be able to do too much of the behind-the -scenes stuff since I'm also a cast member on the show. So to have the opportunity to do it now has so far been such an amazing experience. I just can't wait to see the final product....just can't wait.
Wow looking back I just can't believe that its' been exactly one year that I first began taking the steps to develop this project; a concept that just popped into my head one afternoon while watching television, trying to clear my head from a few struggles I was going through as a single mom. I remember just how many single parents out there where in my shoes, raising a baby on her own without the help of her father financially or physically. Of course being the "google freak" that I am, I began researching statistics and wasn't surprised when I saw that there were approx 13.7 million single parents in the U.S. today. Don't believe me? Check it out yourself here.

What's even more astonishing is that the other night, when I was reading through one of my 2009 journals, I realized that the same week we began filming scenes for the pilot episode is the very same week just one year ago, that I had my 1st "aha" moment of realizing that I had an idea worth pursuing. The same week I finally realized what I wanted to do with the rest of my hopefully long life, and began working towards something I finally felt so passionately about. Isn't that just so amazing? I wonder if it means something, and end up being a significant event I'll end up talking and/or writing about for years to come, or just a mild coincidence.

To be honest, call me crazy but I'm going to choose to believe it means something. Maybe even a sign that I'm finally reaching the new life chapter where all my dreams and goals will finally be manifested into reality. I've always dreamed of doing big and great things, being an actress, singing, being a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and maybe being even powerful like Oprah and making a difference and changing the world for the better. Okay, I don't think anyone can ever be as powerful as Oprah but there's nothing wrong with hoping and wishing right? lol

Anyway, when I look back at all I have been through in the past year it really makes me feel so proud of myself for how far I have come. When I first began developing this project, so many doubted that I'd be able to make it happen. I'm not going to lie.....I even doubted myself at times. But no matter how hard things got I always tried to stay positive and keep a strong faith that God will continue to guide me on the right path that will lead to the right people and resources that will help make my dream come true.

Its' amazing to see for myself how powerful the human mind really is through my own personal experience. To see how a simple thought changed the direction of my whole life. If you would have asked me a year ago, if I could ever see myself producing a reality show on single parents and having the media connections I do today,  I would have never been able to believe it. This very thought here takes me back to that "Santa Clause" movie with Tim Allen--the first one where he had a rough time believing he had become Santa Clause and that he was actually at the real "North Pole". His son Charlie believed, but he didn't.

The elf Judy said, "Santa seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing."  That quote has stuck with me since and I feel like there's so much truth to that. When you believe in something with your whole heart, and keeping believing in it no matter how odd, unrealistic or far-fetched it seems, it will no doubt eventually become your reality. In other simpler terms, "Thoughts become things". Your consistent thoughts are the "Believing" part and when it becomes your are finally "Seeing" it. It doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, big, small, tall, short, Spanish, Italian, German, Asian....we all have the power to manifest anything in our lives no matter how big or small it is--no matter how crazy it seems.

I believe I had already started to prove that to myself with my show concept. When I first started taking the steps to develop it. I had no idea how I was going to do it because I had no direct connections to the industry, nor did I have the experience. But as I began to open myself up to the possibilities and listen intently to my instincts, I began to take what I guess many who have read and studied the law of attraction principals will call "inspired action". I hoped, prayed and wished for a way and from there doors began to open for me. I came across people who knew people and so on.

Once world on my project began to spread, people unexpected came forward at the right time offering their assistance, and or their support and encouragement. This will definitely be a story I hope one day to tell in more detail, but it's just an amazing feeling to see how far I have come with my project. How much I have overcome and the events I had survived to get to where I am today.

My only hope is that this wonderful journey continues to lead to great things, opening up new doors of opportunities that I have always dreamed of having. So I can finally prove to myself what I had always known deep inside....that I really was destined for great things, and that my past was just a mere preparation for my great, rewarding life purpose. :)

To meet the cast members, read their bios and see pictures for the upcoming reality show Pilot "Single Parenthood: NJ" visit our website

We hope that our supporters, fans, family and friends continue to follow and support us on our journey to launching televisions 1st reality-based show that will document the lives of five middle-class single parents hoping to build a better future for themselves and their children.

Pilot will be pitched to major television networks beginning September 2010. Our goal is to have a great deal in place by October 2010! Wish us luck!

Guest book on our website is now OPEN! Please sign and show us your support!

Believer in Miracles & Single Mom
JF xoxoxo


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